California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
/Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN)
- Implementation and Outcomes of the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Model in CalWORKs Mental Health Programs in Los Angeles [CIBHS, June 2019]
- Evidence for Using the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Model in CalWORKs Mental Health Programs: Outcomes from the County of Los Angeles [CIBHS, June 2017]
- Nudging Change in Human Services [MDRC-MEF Assoc., May 2017]
- Patterns of Service Use among CalWORKs Adults, Report 1: Data Match Results Across Five County Agencies Over Five Years [February 2016]
- Assessment of Choices: Conducting Business In-Person versus Other Means for CalWORKs and Medi-Cal Customers [August 2015]
- A Descriptive Study of County- versus State-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Programs [Urban Institute-ICF International, May 2015]
- DPSS Trends in the Era of Welfare Reform: 1998-2006 [September 2006]
- The Changing CalWORKs Case-Type Composition in the County of Los Angeles, 2002-2005 [July 2006]
- CalWORKs Children in the County of Los Angeles [November 2005]
- Impact of Welfare Reform on Access to Medical Care, Mental Health Services, and Substance Abuse Treatment for CalWORKs Participants with Substance Use Problem [August 2005]
- Welfare Reform in Los Angeles County: Implementation, Effects and Experiences of Poor Families and Neighborhoods [August 2005]
- Reaching Welfare Time Limits in Los Angeles County: A Study of an Early Cohort [January 2004]
- Methodological Appendix for Reaching Welfare Time Limits in Los Angeles County: A Study of an Early Cohort [January 2004]
- Monitoring Outcomes for Los Angeles County's Pre- and Post-CalWORKs Leavers: How Are They Fairing? [January 2003]
- A Window on Welfare Reform: Early Impacts on Families and Communities in Los Angeles County [July 2002]
- Monitoring the Implementations of CalWORKs: Welfare Reform and Welfare Service Provision in Los Angeles County, 1998 [August 1999]
- From Welfare-to-Work and Economic Self-Sufficiency: A Baseline Evaluation of the Los Angeles County CalWORKs Program [January 1999]
- STED: Testing Two Subsidized Employment Models for TANF Recipients [MDRC-MEF Assoc., July 2019]
- At the Intersection of Two Systems: Child Welfare and Early Care and Education [CDN, November 2018]
- STED: Testing Two Subsidized Employment Approaches for Recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) [MDRC, November 2016]
- Framing the Message Using Behavioral Economics to Engage TANF Recipients [MDRC, March 2016]
- Evaluation of the SB 1041 Reforms to California’s CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work Program: Findings Regarding the Initial Policy Implementation and Outcomes [RAND-AIR, 2016]
- Evaluation of the SB 1041 Reforms to California’s CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work Program: Background and Study Design [RAND-AIR, March 2015]
- Los Angeles County’s GAIN Program: Outcomes of Engagement with Education and Training Components [January 2014]
- How Effective Are Different Approaches Aiming to Increase Employment Retention and Advancement? Final Impacts for Twelve Models [MDRC, April 2010]
- Results from the Los Angeles Reach for Success Program [MDRC, November 2009]
- A Comparison of Two Job Club Strategies: The Effects of Enhanced Versus Traditional Job Clubs [MDRC, August 2008]
- Stage 1 Child Care Subsidies for Welfare-to-Work Participants in Los Angeles County: An Analysis of Eligibility and Utilization Patterns [November 2007]
- Sanctioned Participants and the Challenge of Meeting Welfare-to-Work Requirements in the Era of TANF Reauthorization [October 2006]
- Results from the GAIN Sanctions Home Visit Outreach Pilot Project [July 2006]
- The Cal-Learn Program in the County of Los Angeles: Process and Barriers [July 2006]
- An Impact Evaluation of the Welfare-to-Work Provisions of California Senate Bill 1104 [July 2006]
- Study of Sanctions among CalWORKs Participants in the County of Los Angeles: Who, When and Why? [March 2005]
- Employment and Earnings among Welfare-to-Work Participants in Los Angeles County, 1998-2001 [April 2003]
- The Los Angeles Jobs-First GAIN Evaluation: Final Report on a Work First Program in a Major Urban Center [MDRC, June 2000]
- The Los Angeles Jobs-First GAIN Evaluation: First-Year Findings on Participation Patterns and Impacts [MDRC, June 1999]
CalWORKs Homelessness
- Explaining Growth in the Prevalence of Homeless Families in LA County's CalWORKs Caseload Since the Great Recession [June 2021]
- Los Angeles County Costs Associated with Homeless Children and Families: Service Use and Spending Patterns Over One Fiscal Year [April 2018]
- An Evaluation of the Utilization and Effectiveness of Four Homeless Assistance Programs for CalWORKs Families [July 2010]
- Brief Report: Housing Characteristics of New CalWORKs Applicants [June 2009]
- An Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Housing Locators Services for Homeless CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work Families [May 2008]
- Homeless Families Pilot Project Evaluation [August 2005]
- CalWORKs Homeless Families [May 2005]
- CalWORKs Homeless Families - Key Points [May 2005]