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CalFresh and EBT News and Updates

Please check here to find all the most up-to-date news and announcements regarding CalFresh benefits and the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program!

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Compacts of Free Association (COFA)

Effective March 9, 2024, Compacts of Free Association (COFA) citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau who lawfully reside in the United States are eligible for CalFresh if they meet all other requirements. You can apply online at, over the phone at (866) 613-3777, by mail by completing and sending a completed application, or in person at your local DPSS District Office.

SUN Bucks California

SUN Bucks is a new program to help families buy food for their eligible children during the summer. For questions regarding SUN Bucks, please call the SUN Bucks helpline at (877) 328-9677 or visit

Check the California Summer Meal Programs website
Learn about the CA Meals for Kids mobile app
Visit the USDA Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder

Image of citrus with a blue banner running across. Banner reads SUN Bucks is a new program to help families buy food for their eligible children during the summer. For questions regarding SUN Bucks, please call the SUN Bucks helpline at (877) 328-9677 or visit

Get the convenience and security you need with the new ebtEDGE Mobile App!

The ebtEDGE mobile application and online web portal successfully went live on November 10, 2023. The new card management features include the following: 

  • Freeze and unfreeze your EBT card (An effective tool to safeguard against unauthorized purchases and/or fraud!)
  • Reset your EBT card PIN
  • Block out-of-state and online transactions
  • Access the app using fingerprint or face ID
  • Manage app security, including troubleshooting and remove/delete accounts on the app
  • Create and view status of EBT system dispute that occurs due to system error
  • View EBT transaction history
  • Set your preferred language

For more information, here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

The ebtEDGE app is free to download and can be found in the Apple App and Google Play stores! The FIS ebtEDGE web and mobile apps are the only apps the cardholders should use for the management of their EBT benefits. Cardholders should not use third-party apps.


Use Your EBT Benefits Online!

Check out this flyer for information on using your EBT card to purchase groceries online.

Frequently asked questions and answers to help you navigate the EBT Online Purchase services.

Important Information for New Applicants and Current CalFresh Customers!

Great News!

If someone in your CalFresh household:

  • is age 60 or order; and/or
  • disabled; and
  • currently has a CalFresh benefit overissuance

You may qualify for a reduction or forgiveness of the overissued CalFresh benefits. Ask your Eligibility Worker if you qualify!



Notable EBT texting scams to be concerned for:

  • Text message from 877-353-1670 that says “#EBT blocked # call 877-353-1670 or email”
  • Text message from 707-419-6161 that says to contact 707-419-6161 regarding their EBT card. The automated message system impersonated the California EBT Customer Service Helpline welcome message. After they followed the prompt to enter their Card Number and PIN they were told their card was successfully reactivated. Their benefits issued for the month of November were withdrawn at an ATM 22 minutes later.

Other known EBT scams also ask for personal information, card number, and/or PIN by:

  • Offering a free “government cell phone” or free gift cards
  • Posing as a “protection plan” company that is part of the state program
  • Claiming to be “concerned citizens” posting warnings about EBT card security with a telephone number similar to a real customer service helpline telephone number (maybe one number is different)

PLEASE NOTE: It is important for you to protect your identity and case information. DPSS will never ask for you to click on suspicious links or for your personal security PIN. If you suspect that you are a victim of any scams, call Customer Service (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) at 1-877-328-9677 or 
1-800-735-2929 (for Telecommunication Relay Services for the hearing/speech) for help right away.