Did you know? You can submit all the forms below electronically through BenefitsCal? Visit https://benefitscal.com/ for more information!
CF 303 - Replacement or Disaster Supplement Affidavit
CF 303 English CF 303 Spanish CF 303 Russian CF 303 Korean
CF 303 Armenian CF 303 Chinese CF 303 Farsi CF 303 Tagalog
CF 303 Cambodian CF 303 Vietnamese
Disaster CalFresh
CF 385 - CalFresh Disaster Application - Emergency use only!!!!!
CF 385 English CF 385 Spanish CF 385 Russian CF 385 Korean
CF 385 Armenian CF 385 Chinese CF 385 Farsi CF 385 Tagalog
CF 385 Cambodian CF 385 Vietnamese
CF 285 - Application for CalFresh Benefits
This is the general CalFresh application form. Please complete and submit online, in-person, or by mail.
CF 285 English (Large Print EN) CF 285 Spanish (Large Print SP)
CF 285 Russian (Large Print RU) CF 285 Korean (Large Print KR)
CF 285 Armenian (Large Print AR) CF 285 Chinese (Large Print CN)
CF 285 Farsi (Large Print FA) CF 285 Tagalog (Large Print not available)
CF 285 Cambodian (Large Print KM) CF 285 Vietnamese (Large Print VI)
CF 37 - Recertification/Renewal for CalFresh Benefits Application
This form is to be completed when your household needs to renew your CalFresh benefits.
CF 37 English CF 37 Spanish CF 37 Russian CF 37 Korean
CF 37 Armenian CF 37 Chinese CF 37 Farsi CF 37 Tagalog
CF 37 Cambodian CF 37 Vietnamese
CF 485 - CalFresh Elderly Simplified Application
Only use the following application if everyone in the household is:
CF 485 English CF 485 Spanish CF 485 Russian CF 485 Korean
CF 485 Armenian CF 485 Chinese CF 485 Farsi CF 485 Tagalog
CF 485 Cambodian CF 485 Vietnamese
The easiest and quickest way to apply for CalFresh is online at BenefitsCal.