DPSS CalFresh Program Seeking Community-Based Organizations to Participate As Application Assisters to Assist Hard-to-Serve Communities
In an effort to reduce food insecurity and increase CalFresh Program participation in Los Angeles County, the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) is seeking non-profit community organizations or agencies to participate in the CalFresh Application Assisters Program.
CalFresh Program helps individuals and families increase their food purchasing power and puts healthy and nutritious food on their tables.
According to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), there are many communities in L.A. County that have a very low participation rate in the CalFresh Program. The Application Assisters Program ensures that hard-to-reach populations, such as students, seniors, immigrants, veterans, and homeless, are aware of the benefits of CalFresh and have access to file an online application.
DPSS is looking for trusted members of the community to assist the department with outreach efforts throughout the county.
Visit our Application Assisters Program website, if your community organization is interested in helping the public with their CalFresh application.