CalFresh Eligibility Requirements Temporarily Expanded for Low-Income College Students
The State of California has temporarily expanded student eligibility requirements for CalFresh Program for college students, to reduce food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Previously, students were required to be approved/accepted for State or federally funded work-study and anticipated working and did not refuse a work assignment to be eligible. However, now students only need to qualify for work-study to be eligible for CalFresh*. In addition, students attending local colleges with an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) of zero are eligible for CalFresh*.
*Note: Applicants must meet all other eligibility requirements.
Eligible students can receive a maximum of $250 a month to use at grocery stores, farmer’s markets, and certain online retailers. If you are disabled or homeless, CalFresh benefits can also be used at certain approved Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) participating restaurants.
Apply today for CalFresh online at Apply for California Food Stamps Online |