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Special Programs

In addition to everyday health care, there are special health problems that require specialized services. The following programs are available: (1) Tuberculosis; (2) Special Treatment Programs for Dialysis or Total Parenteral Hyperalimentation (TPN); (3) Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP).

Tuberculosis (TB)

This program provides TB services only to eligible adults and children who do not qualify for full scope, zero Share of Cost Medi-Cal.

Basic Eligibility Requirements

  • You must reside in California
  • You must be within the TB income standard and property limits
  • You must be a Citizen or have Satisfactory Immigration Status
Renal Dialysis/TPN

This program covers individuals who need treatment for renal dialysis or Parenteral Hyperalimentation, also known as Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).

There are no income or property limits for these Special Treatment Programs.  Instead, beneficiaries must pay a percentage of the cost of each dialysis or TPN service.

Services not related to dialysis or TPN will only be covered if you also qualify for regular Medi-Cal.  In this instance, you will have dual eligibility and may have to pay a Share of Cost for services unrelated to dialysis or TPN. 

Basic Eligibility Requirements

  • You must reside in California

Citizenship/Immigration Requirements

  • If you have Satisfactory Immigration Status, you may be eligible to Full-Scope Benefits.
  • If you have Non-Satisfactory Immigration Status, you may be eligible to Restricted-Scope Benefits.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP)

This program provides Federal and State-funded Medi-Cal benefits for individuals who have been screened by an authorized provider and need treatment for breast and/or cervical cancer.

The determination of BCCTP eligibility, as well as the ongoing maintenance of the BCCTP case is completed by the California Department of Health Care Services.  Read more information on BCCTP and how to apply

Apply On-Line with BenefitsCal

The easiest and quickest way is to apply online at BenefitsCal.

Apply By Phone
You can apply by phone. Call the Customer Service Center (CSC) (866) 613-3777 to have an application mailed to you.

Apply In Person
You can apply In person at any Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) District Office or outreach site.
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