1st Supervisorial District
2nd Supervisorial District
3rd Supervisorial District
4th Supervisorial District
5th Supervisorial District
The Commission for Public Social Services has established the following committees:
By-laws Ad-Hoc Committee
The goal of the Committee, established at the July 15, 2021 Commission meeting, is to review the bylaws and recommend revisions to reflect Equity, Diverty and Inclusion per the Board/Countywide intiiative.
Committee Chair: Adele Andrade Stadler, Chairperson
Work Plan / Goals Ad-Hoc Committee
The goal of this committee, established in the July 15, 2021 Commission meeting, will focus on establishing commission goals and outcomes for the Commission 2021-2023 Work Plan.
Committee Chair: Dr. Sue ElHessen
Committee on Performance Awards
The goal of the Committee on Performance Awards is to recognize meritorious individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to the provision of public social services to the citizens of the County of Los Angeles. The Committee recognizes such individuals and organizations at its Annual Commission Awards Ceremony and on other occasions, as appropriate. The Committee meets on an "as needed basis."
Committee Chair: TBD
Executive Director
La France Toliver
Commission Secretary
Stacia Gurr-Osborn
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